Monday, March 10, 2014

All We Need Is Love....

I was going to write a post on love today, then I read the post my daughter-- only 18-- wrote as a contributor to the site Joyful Home and Life. She writes to a teen audience, but see if this doesn't speak volumes to you.

But The Greatest of These is Love


  1. Beautifully written and such a great message. She is a gifted writer like her mama and wise beyond her years. (What a cutie!)

  2. Wonderful have every right to be very proud!

  3. Julie, yes it appears your daughter has inherited your talent for writing! And obviously, you are a fabulous mother and role model, too. Congrats on being such an awesome person!

  4. I loved your daughter's post, Julie. You have every reason to be proud of her. Have a blessedly bountiful and a bountifully blessed day!

  5. Beautiful post there. Doesn't it just make your mother's heart all warm and fuzzy? :O) Found you and following/subscribing from the A to Z Challenge.

    LuAnn Braley
    AJ's Hooligans @AtoZChallenge
    Back Porchervations

  6. Quite wise and loving. She's a wonderful writer, and it was a heartfelt post.

    The Warrior Muse

  7. Your daughter is lovely. And what a thoughtful message to those of us who need to be reminded about what the important things are.

  8. Thanks, all. I loved what she wrote and am so proud of her heart.

  9. Her message is powerful and she is a gifted writer. I like how she's not looking to impose her views, but let love do it for her. That philosophy would bringing peace into the world.
